This is a Real — Life True Story

Yuleidy Ibeling


This can happen to any young girl who has lived without cable and internet for more than 25 years. Sometimes life experiences make you feel like you lost connection with the rest of the world. Yes, what you’re reading is someone’s real-life experience!

I know you have many questions, but will not have enough time in this cyberspace to answer them all!

I grew up without seeing the 94 episodes of “Sex and the City.”

Yeap, I know. What are you thinking!

It's no big deal.

It was not a part of my upbringing. Wich made my curiosity wonder much more; I was still open to hearing about this television series that made conversations easy about friendship, love, sex toys, also help me accepting inside me that it's Ok to be single in your 30s and 40s. My task was to make up all those lost hours in a mission against time, and people who were at odds with this idea of ​​being an independent woman.

I made my first trip on my 40 birthday. I travel with the lost look that I will never find the New York Magazine or another article with the latest updates for the fanatics readers that clamored the new issues and all the scrumptious details. Living on the other side of the sea, counting stops between airplane wings, and trips to foreign lands made me desperately search for the latest editions in the airport lounges. Something that left my free spirit in complete disagreement, as a young woman was not finding even a shadow of the newest update that never arrived on the other side of these less-traveled oceans. But I have a plan that was, redeem myself with this fun, entertaining gift one day, that includes all the DVDs. It was one of my pending emotional debts as a result of adversity.

How to say no to the heart fascinated with fashion and female independence?

Eventually, I received a call from a friend. She told me about the new series on Netflix, “Emily, in Paris.”

She hinted with the tone of her voice that this time, I could see a show similar to Sex and The City since the beginning.

I don’t know about this show she was talking about!

The phrase that I heard coming off the phone that was dying and about to leave me hooked on this new series was, ‘Turn on the TV. I think this time you have the remote control in your hands. You just have to press the button with that beatific face in cozy, comfortable pajamas; I can imagine you standing in front of the tv with your pink sleepers of ridiculous pom-poms! She hangs up the phone, saying! ‘I am on my way with some new popcorn flavor and two boxes of chocolate. Please don’t yell at me!

P.S. I’m still catching up with “Sex and the City.” I’m seeing it for the first time in forty-something years, but I think I can enjoy it much better now. I feel at peace with those years. I don’t feel any resentment towards them. This is just a thought written in the journal while I sip my coffee. And why not? I decided to share it with you guys.



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